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Male Violence Against Women Is A National Epidemic And Needs To Be Taken Seriously

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The Importance of Employing Disabled People in the Fashion Industry

by Laaibah Amjad The fashion industry has the power to shape societal norms and change perceptions  of beauty and identity.  Despite this influential role, the industry has historically fallen  short of embracing diversity, particularly when it comes to including disabled  individuals. As we progresses towards greater inclusivity, it is imperative for the  fashion industry to reflect these movements by actively employing disabled creatives. This is not only challenging outdated stereotypes but also brings a myriad of benefits from  enhanced creativity to improved brand loyalty.  By making deliberate efforts to include  disabled individuals, the fashion industry can pave the way for a more inclusive and  representative future. Diversity is a powerful driver of creativity and innovation. Disabled people bring unique  perspectives and experiences that can inspire new ideas and approaches to fashion  design, marketing, and production. Their insights can lead to the creation of  adaptive cl

A Look Back on Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week

by Michaela Piontková Prague is becoming a more and more popular tourist destination, especially with the Brits. Many know it for its sightseeing, cheap beer, and festivals, but what about the fashion scene? Mercedes Benz Prague Fashion Week (MBPFW) might not be as famous as its other international brothers, but one thing is for sure. It’s perfectly organized. Never have I ever attended a show that started on time, while here it was ten minutes before the estimated start and all the models stood in the lineup ready to go. Other than the exceptionally good organisation, the MBPFW works similarly to other fashion weeks. VIPs, less-VIPs, press, red carpet, and one brilliant show after another. Like other fashion weeks, Prague also presents home designers as well as international ones. Here are our picks of designers you should check out! Tobias Schubert While still studying at the prestigious Prague University UMPRUM, he’s already established his name on the Czech fashion scene with his b