by Luiza Irulegui House of the Dragon is a prequel to the hugely popular show, Game of Thrones, and the second series in the universe created by George R. R. Martin. Its first season aired in 2022 and was subject to much criticism online from fans of Martin’s fantastical universe. The major point for nitpicking argued by the fans was that the first series felt too fast-paced and that there was little to no time to sit with the characters in order to understand them and their motivations. Alongside the radical time skips and sudden recasting of some of the main characters, it left a bitter taste for many viewers. Fans had said that it was hard to care about the characters and what happened to them when, in the earlier episodes of the season, there were significant jumps between the episodes. The audience had to abruptly tag along with the new storylines, not knowing what happened in the lost period of time. Following the harsh criticism pointed out after the season one finale, the ...